COVID-19: Guidelines for In-Person Sessions

We're excited to welcome you into our space!
Before booking your in-person therapy session, please ensure you meet these conditions.
Fully Vaccinated
Low Risk
Feel assured knowing that our therapists adhere to the same conditions before providing in-person sessions.
Please inform your therapist if there are changes to your COVID-19 risk status prior to attending the session. The session will be rescheduled if conditions are not met.
Safety measures implemented
Mask-wearing is optional for both client and therapist during sessions.
Therapy room sanitised between sessions.
Hand-washing / sanitising before and after sessions
Waste in therapy room is disposed between sessions.
We appreciate your cooperation in following our guidelines so we can protect the safety and wellbeing of our clients and therapists.
Cara Cara has the right to deny access to in-person sessions to any client who does not adhere to the above guidelines.